Saturday, November 04, 2006

Election 2006: Religious Politikin'

Come November 7th we will finally see who controls what in politics.

Seems like the Dems are fighting and fighting strongly to dominate the Senate this year, since the recent sex scandal surrounding Rep. Mark Foley, one that has damaged the credibility of the GOP conservative base, and the recent poll numbers surrounding America's disapproval rate about our country's involvements in Iraq. Just recently, Foley decided to step down ammist the allegations that began to pour out surrounding suggestive emails to young men whom had served as Congressional pages. Now with the House Ethics Committee and the FBI both opening investigations on misconduct and possible criminal charges and with Bush's troubling staff in deep water, Democrats are trying to bounce back into the spotlight - hoping to get the attention of voters this coming Tuesday.

President Bush isn't taking this lightly; campaigning extensively to regain the public's interest and support. He continues to reiterate that he will stick out the war in Iraq, but most of U.S. churches, a key part of the conservative foundations of the current republican agenda, remain divided on the issue. Polls show a solid majority, an incredible 60%, are opposed to the war. While recent polls have stressed that the majority of black churches still tend to vote Democrat even though they may be ultra-conservative and tend to fall out on issues regarding abortion and same-sex marriage, Rev. Al Sharpton recently addressed church leaders that social justice, education and fighting poverty remain much more serious issues. African-Americans only make up 13% of the U.S. population, but are important factors when dealing with regional races regarding the Senate and House.

It also seems this year that negative ads, or poking fun at scandals and nasty campaigning, are the attention-getter on television leading up to the Big Day. And apparently the nasty ads are working. Since the Republican party is highly rooted in conservative values and think "liberal" is a curse word, it's amazing that their campaigning this year, which marks the majority of high-spending commercials and advertisements sent out, feels so a campaign staged by an anti-Christ movement.

A troubling scandal surrounding Rev. Ted Haggard, pastor of mega-church New Life Church in Colorado, now troubles the conservative base of the GOP party. Haggard stepped down as pastor of the church as well as the National Association of Evangelicals (a group that highly supports Bush) due to recent allegations from former male prostitute Mike Jones regarding sexual affairs and drug usage with him. Haggard denied most of the claims on television, except for the claim stating that he purchased meth from him. He claims he never used the drug.

The National Clergy Council recently released a public letter showcasing their sympathy over Haggard and feels his decision to step down doesn't make him a hypocrite; claiming he acknowledges his evils.

The Huffington Post covers a whole different side to the hypocrisy. It mentions that the gay community of Colorado Springs recalls Haggard's involvement with them and even exposes video and conflicting statements from the pastor.

Regardless of where one stands on this issue, it is shaking up churches and it is ruffin' up the GOP. Who knows if this situation will play a big part in the turnout this Tuesday. Time will tell.

Since this article made its online appearance, several events have transpired that prove in the polls to have helped both parties.

Saddam Hussein has been convicted to be executed by way of hanging for ordering the murder of ordering the murder of 148 Shi'ite residents of Dujail in 1982. While Tony Blair opposes the death sentence, others across the country including President Bush rejoices to hear the verdict.

Former pastor Rev. Ted Haggard released a public letter to be read to his church. The offical letter can be read here.


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